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Change is Not Always Linear

This morning, I woke up to so much sadness and shock and dismay all over social media that Yes, this is really happening. A reality TV show star, completely unqualified for the position in too many ways to count, will actually be sworn in as President of the United States of America

I am not one to share every bit of outrageous news that I see on Facebook. I rarely share political items. In this political environment, If I posted every time I was upset or scared or angry or outraged, I would be posting ten to fifteen times a day. (Side note: I respect the right to speak out, but I fear the deluge of shared content contributes to overwhelm, desensitization, and normalization of the outrageous things happening in our world.) As a dear friend of mine said recently while discussing feeling inundated by the constant flood of information,

“I feel like I (we) are in a huge sandstorm, and the source of the storm is the turbulent funnel within. I do better focusing on the funnel rather than all of the sand, if that makes sense.”

Honestly, I am not shocked or depressed anymore. Am I happy about him being president? No. Am I still appalled at everything he has said? Yes. Is my reaction to this president different than it would have been for any other Republican winner? Most definitely.

But there is hope for those all over America (and the world) who are hurt, scared, and angry today.

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4 Responses to “Change is Not Always Linear”

  1. Jason H says:

    Hope to see you at the March tomorrow but somehow I think that might be a long shot. 🙂

  2. joel says:

    Thanks Anne. I needed to hear that.

  3. Let us focus on getting jobs, securing the borders, getting half our citizens and illegals off food stamps, giving school choice to all and improving our educational systems, returning powers not granted in the constitution back to the states and citizens, just to name a few. Cleaning out gangs and criminals in our country, mainly in areas like Chicago, Detroit, etc.

  4. Carol Riley says:

    Love your perspective, Anne. Well-said and thoughtful, too. Looking forward to your thoughts on the march – what an experience for both you and Tiller. 🙂

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