I am currently loving this guy Bryan Brown’s photographs. They totally strike that exhilarating intersection for me where “pretty picture” meets “cool history.” He calls himself Dirt Road Cowboy, and he traverses the back roads of S. Georgia, taking pictures of old structures, signs, and homes. Doesn’t hurt that I keep hoping that he will unearth some amazing nugget associated with my family history, much of which, on my dad’s side, is in this area. I can’t wait to find out what he comes up with next.
He has a website called Vanishing South Georgia, where he posts his photos, often with a story or historical description accompanying them. Photos that he doesn’t post there are in his Flickr stream.
If you don’t like history, rural decay, architecture, or old advertising, you will probably not be into this.
If that’s the case, you might be more into Kingston Lounge. This guy is into “Guerilla Preservation and Urban Archaeology” – He goes around and takes photographs of some cool and creepy stuff. I found it when looking for photos of the old Central State hospital in Milledgeville, GA. Most of his stuff is in NYC, primarily Brooklyn, i think.
Tags: Dirt Road Cowboy, Georgia, Kingston Lounge, Photography, Rural Decay, Signs, Urban Decay
Thanks, Dogwood Girl, for your kind words about my blog. I’m so glad you like it and chose to share it with your fellow bloggers. It’s a labor of love…your blog is very cool, too!
Thanks, Brian. Now go take more pictures!