Bet you thought this was a really hip, insightful post about music. Not even close.
I love it when Rollie mispronounces words and they come out sounding like totally different words or phrases altogether. My current favorite: “punk king” for “pumpkin.” In a similar vein, I also like “chick king” for “chicken.” The francaise-sounding “chat” for “cat.” The cowboy-influenced “doagie” for “doggie.” And then there are what I call the “F” mispronunciations: “Pog” for “frog.” “Peet” for “feet.” “Pood” for “food.” “Pall” for “fall.” You get the picture.
But by far my favorite is pumpkin mispronounced. I love to drive my (bitchin’) van and hear Rollie repeating “punk king, punk king” as I drive by houses with pumpkins still out front. I am going to miss that next year. Or maybe, if I’m very lucky, Matilda will mispronounce “pumpkin” as “punk queen.”
Anything is possible.
Annika said “fork” – pronounced “fuk”. : )
Nothing Annika says will ever compare with the shining glory of “Come on, Dumbass!” That still cracks me up.
[…] dolls, and Rollie got off the bus wearing an Indian feather headband, and carrying a pumpkin. (Or Punk King, as he called them when he was little.) And, instant timewarp, it was like Alpharetta First United […]