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Top Albums Dissected

I am a sucker for some Facebook lists. Top Ten lists in the High Fidelity vein kind of lists. I was tagged last night by people doing two separate lists that I couldn’t pass by: Top Ten songs I can’t Live Without, and Top Fifteen Albums.

Since I wasted so much time doing them last night, I thought i would put them over here and elaborate on my love for them. Of course, as soon as I finished, I realized i had left off some other albums that I adore, but I still love these.

Top Fifteen Albums

Prince – Purple Rain
u2 – War
u2 – The Joshua Tree
u2 – The Unforgettable Fire
Depeche Mode – Some Great Reward
Suicidal Tendencies – Self-Titled
Violent Femmes – Violent Femmes
REM – Life’s Rich Pageant
REM – Murmur
Stone Roses – The Stone Roses
The Cure – Standing on a Beach
The Cure – Disentegration
Fugazi – Thirteen Songs
Neutral Milk Hotel – In The Airplane Over the Sea
Janes Addiction – Nothing’s Shocking
My Bloody Valentine – Loveless
Ride – Nowhere
Five Eight – I Learned Shut Up
Dinosaur Jr – Green Mind
Nirvana – Nevermind
Smashing Pumpkins – Gish
Built to Spill – Perfect From Now On
Beastie Boys – Paul’s Boutique
The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper’s
Death Cab for Cutie – We have the Facts and We’re Voting Yes
Superchunk – Here’s Where the Strings Come In

I just realized that my top 15 albums were really 26 albums. No, i was never great at math.

I will probably do my Top ten songs tomorrow.

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