[Kermit singing “The Rainbow Connection” in the background.]
Rollie: “I’m a dreamer.”
Todd nods.
Me: “That’s a good thing, baby.”
Rollie: “Sometimes I’m a nightmare.”
Todd and I nod some more.
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Hey Anne. I just read up on your blogs I’ve missed because of Holy hell week. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed Hilton Head. Just wanted to say keep up the writing because I enjoy peeking into your life with the kiddos because of the way you write. Have a great day!
Ginny, are you allowed to say that? :-)Glad you caught up. So, do you have the sheepskin now?
Listen 4 worship services in 7 days with no associate pastor to share preaching duties? I deserve the right to say holy hell week! I have to confess that Christmas and Easter sermons are my least favorite to preach. Yuck. Too much hype and sugary expectations. And it’s hard to say to some people who only come on those days that I don’t know that Jesus was actually resurrected. You may pick up your jaw from the floor. 🙂
I finished all the grammatical changes and am sending my dissertation in the next few days. Whew! It was fun but I am VERY glad I’m done! How are you? Childless for a few days? Enjoy. 🙂
Jaw is not on the floor, but rather very glad to hear you say that. One of the more problematic tenets of religion for me.
For what it’s worth, i would totally come to your church.
We are good!
I should add that I don’t know that he WASN’T resurrected, just that I don’t necessarily buy that he was. If that makes sense.