Fair warning: This will be a very disjointed post. I’m all over the place this morning, with lots of little things to say and none of them important. (Self-promotion, you see, is not my strong point.)
We’re at Hilton Head for the weekend. Todd needed a bit of a vacation before he starts the new job in a couple weeks. I’ll hit the high points for you:
It’s supposed to be in the 80s all weekend and no rain.
I bought my first Disney Princess product for Tiller last night. For some reason, the Princess and the Frog seems less Disneyish to me, and really, that’s just because it’s all New Orleans and has an African American princess on it. I am not self-aware enough to know exactly what this says about me. Suffice to say that Tiller has new Disney “fwip fwops.”
Carrie, I passed that gas station where you felt pukey after girl’s weekend and I thought of you.
I had the grouper last night.
I never knew that one condo could contain this many lighthouses.
The buggies at Bi Lo have drink holders in them. Brilliant.
Todd found the Holy Grail at a local restaurant. The cup. The Holy Grail of Au Jus.
I miss my dog. Hilton Head is nice, and I love the paths running all over the island and the drive is much easier, but in Cape San Blas, I can sit on the beach with my best buddy. He is going to the lake with Aunt Lisa for the weekend, so he will be a happy camper and never miss me, but I miss him.
Tags: Disney, Hilton Head, Quint
You just missed it by days (see end of quote). Next time, y’all should plan it with Quint. I’m so jealous. Yay beach!
“There are four main public beaches in Hilton Head and dogs are allowed at these beaches throughout the year during a variety of different hours. During the peak season, from Memorial Day until after Labor Day weekend, dogs are only allowed on the beach before 10am or after 5pm and they must remain on the leash. Before Memorial Day or after Labor Day dogs can be on the beach at all times.
From Labor Day until the end of September and again from April 1 to May 30, dogs must remain on the leash from 10am to 5pm but before and after these hours dogs are allowed off the leash. From October 1 through April 1 there are no leash rules for dogs. “
Q is doing fine with me! Dash loves him and is being sweet to the old man. He and Em have been wrestling. This morning he had coffee with me on the couch before I went to work.
Wish I was sitting on the beach with you!