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Posts Tagged ‘Hilton Head’

Spring Break 2012

Monday, April 9th, 2012

We did the Spring Break thing. A few days on Hilton Head (Todd had a shoot this week: Bad advertising world! Bad!) and then we did the lake for Easter with the whole family. About 24 hours of my family in one small 2BR lakehouse is all I can take, no matter how much I love them. I think this is normal?

So busy after being gone – work, laundry, trying to get back into a diet and exercise happy place. I feel like a train that derailed in a fiery crash of fried, fat, beer and excess!

Highlights of the week, not in photos: Fishing with my kiddos at dusk. Morning kids swimming with dog while I drink coffee at lake. Watching Brody revel in lake life. Puttering around with my dad for a day at the lake, fixing stuff, for once not snapping at each other. A rarity. Mom’s potato salad. My kids’ awesome manners while out to eat in HHI. I almost cried. Watching Venus in the Pleiades (spelling?) from the dock on a clear night. On the water at the beach. Seeing kids’ faces when they saw dolphins up close. Hearing their contagious laughter in the car on 441 – They had a “make each other laugh contest” and were killing Todd and I with their laughter. Such sweet music. Driving home on a sunny, perfectly-warm Easter afternoon with only Rollie and Brody in the car. Windows down, listening to an old mix CD of some of my all-time favorite songs, discussing them with Rollie: He asks a lot of questions, like “who is it by? What is it called? What is it about? Why do you like it?” Memorable discussions of songs – “Mayonnaise” by Smashing Pumpkins, “This Must Be The Place” by Talking Heads, and “Tempted” by Squeeze. R. thought it was so funny that I used to sing it to him as a lullaby when he would cry as a baby. Teaching kids to jump rope in the driveway last night. “Cinderella, dressed in yellow. . . ” (What are your favorite jump rope rhymes?)

Hope you all had a great Easter, Seder, spring break, etc.

Disjointed Beach Post

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Fair warning: This will be a very disjointed post. I’m all over the place this morning, with lots of little things to say and none of them important. (Self-promotion, you see, is not my strong point.)

We’re at Hilton Head for the weekend. Todd needed a bit of a vacation before he starts the new job in a couple weeks. I’ll hit the high points for you:

It’s supposed to be in the 80s all weekend and no rain.

I bought my first Disney Princess product for Tiller last night. For some reason, the Princess and the Frog seems less Disneyish to me, and really, that’s just because it’s all New Orleans and has an African American princess on it. I am not self-aware enough to know exactly what this says about me. Suffice to say that Tiller has new Disney “fwip fwops.”

The Fwip Fwop of My Discontent

Carrie, I passed that gas station where you felt pukey after girl’s weekend and I thought of you.

I had the grouper last night.

I never knew that one condo could contain this many lighthouses.

The buggies at Bi Lo have drink holders in them. Brilliant.

Drink Holders in the Buggies at Bi-Lo

Todd found the Holy Grail at a local restaurant. The cup. The Holy Grail of Au Jus.

We found the Holy Grail of Au Jus.

I miss my dog. Hilton Head is nice, and I love the paths running all over the island and the drive is much easier, but in Cape San Blas, I can sit on the beach with my best buddy. He is going to the lake with Aunt Lisa for the weekend, so he will be a happy camper and never miss me, but I miss him.

Evan’s Wedding

Thursday, July 24th, 2008

All joking about reading addictions aside, Evan’s wedding was a blast. Can you say Tiki bar? How about Shrimp and Grits? Not just seeing old friends, but getting to see them, without kids, for two days straight? My belly laughed like it hadn’t laughed in years – I was sore afterwards. (Or maybe that was all the waterlogged Flying Burritos I got in the pool at 1 a.m.)

Best of all? Nightswimming in a calm ocean under a full moon. What hurricane?

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the weekend, along with a link to the whole set on flickr.

Evan getting last minute lovin’ from the ladies on Friday night.

Fran the Cougar with her prey, Dan.

Me and Jason, friends since 10th grade biology.
Me and the Creeker boys.

Dan and Wendy at the Reception, which was extremely hot. I think you can actually smell Dan from this picture.
Jason and Laura

My nemesis for the weekend, Kyle, a.k.a. Corey Haim.
Me and the ole ball and chain, all spiffied up.

Me and D, who is no longer a delinquent teen, but an upstanding husband and father, with some damn cute kids and a hot wife.

The happy groom and me.

Playing Catchup

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

I had no idea so many people actually READ what I was writing here, and I have been scolded up and down numerous times for not keeping updated. So, here goes. This will probably be very scattered and random, just like I have been feeling lately.

Huntsville was fun, and I think my Cat-in-Law, Oscar, is probably out of therapy after living with the two Dementors for a couple of days. Hopefully, my SIL is also recovering from the nasty virus we unleashed on her. That will teach her to take us to the E Coli-infested Rosie’s Tacqueria! My only disappointment with the trip was that it rained every afternoon after I realized there was a cool-sounding hiking trail just minutes from their house, and I never got to check it out. Kudos to Madison, AL for setting aside what sounds like a lovely greenspace.

I am still enjoying what any sane person (read: Non-History Nerd) would find the very boring, The Stevenson Story, a history of the town of Stevenson, Alabama. If only every county I am researching had commissioned such a thorough and engrossing history of their area. Most fun discovery: Early pioneer ancestors – Total rolling stones! Lived in four states! Least heartening discovery: They totally stole that land from the Indians.

Uh, let’s see. When last we left off, I was leaving for Hilton Head with the other Moms. You can read Nat’s very detailed summary at The Negative Split, but let me sum it up. Margarita, beer, sun, vodka, raw oysters and steamed crab (Dad, you were right: I am still going to eat crab, even after watching latest guilty pleasures The Deadliest Catch). 80’s music, dancing, drunk dialing (not me!), tequila rape (if Nat ever approaches you with a coffee cup and a lime, run for your life), puking hangover, recovery, turkey sandwiches made the right way, US Weekly, choked-down first beer of the second day, and uh, trivia and psychology do not mix. I am the Queen of Fraggle Rock, motherfuckers! Hmmm. . . what else. A nice run. A gator will scare you past the blisters. Beach until the lightning strikes and the lifeguards order your [very sober] asses out of the water. Makeovers, and photo shoots, dinner with the drunks, including the New York Jews (their term, not mine), and the unfortunate sinking feeling upon realization that the nice older couple sitting next to us during our drunken, raucous dinner are actually old friends of the family, and the parents of my cousin’s best friend. Managed to keep them distracted while Natalie had herself thrown out of the restaurant (see pics on The Negative Split). More drunkenness and a much more manageable hangover the following day. If anyone reads this who knows Chris Herron, I need his email address, as we ran into someone he knows. Said person gave me coffee and bagel and I love him for that. Last thoughts: Dublin, GA sucks. So does the Claxton exit. Regrets: None, other than not getting photo or better, video, of Carrie dry-heaving at gas station. Good times.

Natalie, as you can see, I did not post awesome picture of your bare ass in the alley, but I am tempted, so if you get a wild hair, let me know, and it might even get it’s own post.

Let’s see, what else. Am being good with diet and exercise and lost six pounds last week. Fucking miracle, or at least probably a water weight miracle, which is like, totally recognized by the Pope.

Ooooh, and my sister gots herself a little lovebug at the Humane Society yesterday. Emily is smallish, cute, and wire-haired. I tried to steal her when I left Lisa’s yesterday, but was caught at the door. Will be trying again today when they visit. Will also post pics of her majesty when they become available. Cannot wait to humiliate her by making her wear outfits. I myself did not leave with any four-leggers, despite the admirable efforts of cute dog-loving Humane Society worker who put the hard sell on me with the Dog of the Week, despite my truthful protestations that if I bring another being into our (love-filled) household, my husband will force me to give an existing pet or child up for adoption. Cute Dog Guy’s suggestion? Get rid of Husband. So tempting, but he has finally learned that the way to my heart is through unloading the dishwasher on occasion, so I am going to keep him around for a while.

No trips planned for the foreseeable future, so you just might see more of me in the coming days.

Oh my God. I am old and boring, but you are up-to-date.