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Archive for April, 2009

Eight Years

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

I can’t believe we’ve been married for eight years. The time has just flown by. It really goes warp speed once you have children, too. For our anniversary, we went to visit our friend Tom in Chicago. He lives with his girlfriend Tara (she is awesome!) and it was great to hang out with them. It was also great to spend a couple of days with no kids, just me and Todd on an adventure together.

Todd is my favorite person to travel with – he is easygoing, calm, and organized. He usually plans ahead, figuring out the main sites he wants to see, but is always up for detours and unscheduled adventures. He also always makes sure that I find my way to where i need to go. He gets the tipsy Dogwood Girl in the cab, and he holds the fearful Dogwood Girl’s hand when the plane does funky stuff.

He is my best friend. He is my partner in life. He is a wonderful Dad, patient and fun, and he also kicks ass at Jeopardy and trivia.

Did I mention that he is awesome? Did I mention that I would love him even if he didn’t take me on cool trips and buy me the digital camera that I have wanted for years now?


Because I would. I would totally still love him.

But the return on this weekend and my awesome gift will be pretty damn good. That’s all I’m sayin’ about that.

Took lots of photos of Chicago trip and I’ll post about it later.

Todd. I love you.

Not So Great

Monday, April 27th, 2009

At posting in real time when on vacay. We are having a wonderful time, though, and come home tonight. Took a lot of photos, so you might be able to check them out on my Flickr feed (over to the right) if I get around to uploading them before I leave.

Chicago. 2 AM.

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Wooh. I am tired. But i saw some really amazing art today. REALLY amazing. Ate a wonderful breakfast. Saw M. Ward. Then saw jazz at an awesome bar. Then went to another bar, where I listened to awesome music and met a gay man from Chickamauga. Much fun had by all.

Can’t wait to get home, and tell you about my awesome flight experience. I sure love flying.

Dogwood Girl

p.s. Dogwood is liking Chicago.

Xanax insufficient for rough a…

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Xanax insufficient for rough almost land pull back up move pilot did

On plane. 25mins.off plane. Ne…

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

On plane. 25mins.off plane. New gate. Xanax wearing off?!

We’re Sorry, Dogwood Is Unavailable

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

She is flying away to Chicago to see M. Ward for her anniversary and will not be able to get back to you until Tuesday. She regrets the inconvenience.

No, actually, she doesn’t.

Drunco is Good For the Soul

Friday, April 24th, 2009

So, one of my favorite things about my new neighborhood is the Bunco (Drunco) group. About a month after I moved in, my neighbor Lauren invited me to sub for her Bunco group. I had heard about Bunco, but never played. I thought it was some stupid game that suburban moms play, a kind of modern-day Bridge club.

And it is. And now I know that my mom was having a damn good time at Bridge club!

It is a blast. You put in your ten bucks. You play a dice game as mindless as Three Man, during which you discuss how much you hate your kids’ teacher, how weird that one family down the street is, the naked guy who was hanging out in the local park, and a number of other subjects not appropriate for public consumption. They feed you appetizers and all the beer and wine you can drink. At the end, the winner is a winner and the loser is a winner, too! You stumble back down the block to your house. You are back in your bed by midnight on a school night. (At least, if you want to be. There were still a good number of folks hanging out when i left at Midnight!) Last night, we even all wore our PJs!

Most of all, you get to talk to an awesome and very diverse group of women, all of whom remind you that we are all just winging it, some seemingly more together than others, but winging it just the same. You realize that you are not alone in doing the hardest job in the world.

Added plus? One of my neighbors is the brother of my childhood friend, Leigh. His wife was hostessing, so Leigh was there, and I got to hang out with her, without kids, for the first time in. . . I cannot remember the last time I saw her without kids around. In PJs, no less.

Vampires In School, Part II

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

Update: The vampire at the school has a name and a girlfriend. His name is Sylar. He lives under the school. Yesterday, at nap time, the vampire was lying next to Rollie and he bit him on the wrist. But Rollie didn’t feel it, because he doesn’t see or feel or hear the vampire; only Tony does. Rollie said it didn’t hurt and upon inspection, there was no obvious bite mark. Then to add to the story, Rollie reveals to me that Sylar has a girlfriend who lives with him under the school: Muchacha. Yep, her name is Muchacha. Like i could make this shit up.

Tony says that sometimes Sylar and Muchacha lie next to each other and kiss for a long time. Um, what the hell is going on over at Tony’s house?! Either way, Tony has an awesome imagination. And Rollie is either really great at suspending disbelief or really gullible.

Either way, I can’t wait to find out what the next chapter in the Sylar and Muchacha saga reveals! I’ll keep you posted.

Rollie, Vampire Slayer

Tuesday, April 21st, 2009

So, yesterday after school, Rollie told Todd that he wanted him to wake him up at Midnight. Todd asked why. Rollie said that he had plans to meet his friend Tony at the school cafeteria at Midnight. When pressed for an answer as to why, Rollie declined to answer.
Last night, after Todd and I had tucked both kids into bed and were sitting on the couch, when Rollie came back downstairs. We fully prepared to fight him to go back to bed, but he said he just wanted to make sure that Daddy was going to wake him at Midnight.
Obviously, no one is going to wake anyone up at Midnight unless the house is on fire.
Fast forward to this morning. Rollie wanted to know why Daddy didn’t wake him at Midnight. Todd told him that he tried to wake him, but Rollie did not want to get up.
Yes, sometimes you have to lie to your children. Yes, you do.
Finally, on the way to school, Rollie gave up the full story:

It appears that Tony has a vampire in his closet.

This vampire in his closet only Tony can see. But the vampire got out and escaped to the school. So, now there is a vampire at school. Tony sees the vampire at school, standing behind other people, and he tells those people. The other day, he told Rollie that the vampire was standing behind him. Of course, Rollie can’t see, hear, or feel the vampire, but I guess he and Tony are tight and he takes Tony’s word for it.

So, it seems that Tony and Rollie hatched a plan to meet at the school cafeteria at midnight to figure out how to get rid of the vampire.

Awesome. Rollie, Vampire Slayer. (Probably more like the Frog brothers.)

Busy Bee

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Gardening. Coupon-clipping. Laundering. Carpooling. School volunteering. Cooking. Exercising. Trying not to be a fat ass.

These things, they are time-consuming. Dogwood Girl suffers for it.