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Archive for the ‘Instagram’ Category

“A serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl.” – Ernest Hemingway . . . “A bloody owl” . . . My spirit animals are owls and goats. It always comes back down to owls and goats. ???? ???? ?

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

“A serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl.” - Ernest Hemingway . . . “A bloody owl” . . . My spirit animals are owls and goats. It always comes back down to owls and goats. ???? ????  ?

Hoping MachineWords by Woody Guthrie, Music by Jay FarrarDon’t let anything knock your props out from under youAlways keep your mind clear, let your plans come out of mistakesThese are the plans and nothing can tear downMade out of things that have already been torn downWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineMusic is the language of the mind that travelsCarries the key to the laws of time and spaceLonesome train whistling down the silent wail of windLife is the sound, creation has been a songWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineOut of orderQuick to manufacture their schemes and ideasFaster than any turn a tide can wash you outWord is the music and the people are the songTomorrows chances feel like a singing godWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineOut of order

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

Hoping MachineWords by Woody Guthrie, Music by Jay FarrarDon’t let anything knock your props out from under youAlways keep your mind clear, let your plans come out of mistakesThese are the plans and nothing can tear downMade out of things that have already been torn downWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineMusic is the language of the mind that travelsCarries the key to the laws of time and spaceLonesome train whistling down the silent wail of windLife is the sound, creation has been a songWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineOut of orderQuick to manufacture their schemes and ideasFaster than any turn a tide can wash you outWord is the music and the people are the songTomorrows chances feel like a singing godWhatever you do, wherever you goDon’t lose your grip on life and that meansDon’t let any earthy calamity knock your dreamer and your hoping machineOut of order

Nap, Disturbed

Saturday, January 20th, 2018

Nap, Disturbed

Found in the Christmas tree. . . WIZARD #wizard #pins #harrypotter #motherfuckinwizard #christmasrefuse #chillheshearditbefore

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Found in the Christmas tree. . . WIZARD #wizard #pins #harrypotter #motherfuckinwizard #christmasrefuse #chillheshearditbefore

Moment of zen. Peace, piano, sweet sleeping dog breaths. #brodythedog #dogsofinstagram #piano #workfromhomeperks #snowday #atl #atlanta

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

Moment of zen. Peace, piano, sweet sleeping dog breaths. #brodythedog #dogsofinstagram #piano #workfromhomeperks #snowday #atl #atlanta

Snow Dreams #Atl #snowday #snowdayatl #brodythedog #dogsofinstagram #mamawhyyougotstowork

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

Snow Dreams #Atl #snowday #snowdayatl #brodythedog #dogsofinstagram #mamawhyyougotstowork

Such a great day. Coffee. Brunch. First mixed doubles match in freezing cold (won it!), awesome dinner convo, and home to my best buddy. Now? Hot bath. ? ????

Sunday, January 14th, 2018

Such a great day. Coffee. Brunch. First mixed doubles match in freezing cold (won it!), awesome dinner convo, and home to my best buddy. Now? Hot bath. ?   ????

We are dog people. ???? #dogsofinstagram #dogs #family

Saturday, January 13th, 2018

We are dog people. ???? #dogsofinstagram #dogs #family

Makes me happy eating’ beans and rice outta my grandma’s old bowl. #itsthelittlethings #beansandrice #oldbowl

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Makes me happy eating’ beans and rice outta my grandma’s old bowl.  #itsthelittlethings #beansandrice #oldbowl

Why, yes, I do have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy. Whatever makes me smile on my commute, I will totally take it. #droppingloads #truckin #commute #paysthebills #reallydontwanttodieinmycar

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

Why, yes, I do have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy. Whatever makes me smile on my commute, I will totally take it. #droppingloads #truckin #commute #paysthebills #reallydontwanttodieinmycar