Another sign that we made the right choice when we picked a new neighborhood . . . we stopped by a real live lemonade stand on the way back from our picnic at the park. Two freckle-faced red-headed kids were running it. They even said, “Yes, M’am” and “You’re welcome.” When questioned on what they would do with the funds, they said they were “saving for college.”
Are you kidding me?!
Rollie was like, “I’d buy hot wheels!”
Oh, and the going rate for a pink lemonade, in about a 6 oz cup, is fifty cents. They even put a slice of lemon on the edge of the cup. I am so not kidding.
What? No Dixie Cups for ten cents? I kinda miss the Dixie cup.
In case you are in the area and want to help out the enterprising young chaps, they are located between the park and my house.
Tags: Dixie Cups, Lemonade Stand, Neighborhood, Tucker