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Posts Tagged ‘Aunt Dot’

Feeling Sentimental

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Not sure why. Maybe Christmas is causing it all, but i’ve felt like a debbie downer lately, so i was looking through some more old pictures and came across this one and it just made me smile.

Dancing with Graham, 1973

This is my cousin, Graham, and I dancing at my Aunt Dot and Grandma’s apartment in about 1973. I don’t remember the name of the street they lived on, but it was an upstairs apartment in a house. No idea how, but they had a piano up there. I would give my right pinkie to know what song we are dancing to, but you can see aunt Dot (my Grandma’s sister) over there smoking and clapping along. She loved to dance!

I miss the big family gatherings and the crazy grandmas and aunts and uncles and cousins. Graham and I were best buddies, at least until those hangers-on, Lisa and Adam showed up.

And I don’t remember ever liking to dance, but i guess i did at some point!


Tuesday, January 16th, 2007

I come from some wild women. . .


This was in my mom’s family photos. The photo says “Mother 1870,” but that seems a little early for this one, especially since the sign says something about auto insurance. Would love to be able to research the clothing to date it more accurately. We are also not sure who “Mother” is (she is the one third from the right), but have it narrowed down to one of the following:

  • My Grandmother Vivian’s mother, Ida Stevens Dunstan
  • My mother’s Aunt Zelma’s mother who, do to an out-of-wedlock pregnancy and adoption, could have referred to her birth mother, who was my grandmother’s mother (Ida)
  • Ida’s sister, Beulah, who adopted and raised Zelma.

Confused yet? Anyway, I love the picture and think it is just the coolest thing ever. They look like trouble. I think they are holding instruments, too. Nice twist.

This is my mom (right), with her best friend Judy in Daytona Beach.

Virginia and Judy Sitting On Johnny Dunstan's Car, Daytona Beach, 1960

Then there’s Grandma and Aunt Dot. My cousin remarked that he thought this picture was staged. I don’t think so. This is what family gatherings in my childhood looked like. Seriously.


I’ll leave the wild woman pictures of myself for Matilda to blog. Plus, I ain’t finished. Grandma and Aunt Dot were still doin’ it in their 80’s. I’m not even 35 yet.