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Posts Tagged ‘Fairies’

Tiller Loves Fairies

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Or, should I say, “Fairys.”

Todd already posted this on Facebook, but it was so adorable I wanted to capture it for posterity on Dogwood Girl. Kids are funny. I had a bit of a rough day yesterday, and I was actually in the bathtub trying to wind down when todd walked in to show me this, warning that I might not be able to handle the cuteness.

And he was right.

There are so many things that I love about this.

  • Obviously, the fact that she still believes in fairies. I think that means we’re doing something right and all the world is not going to hell in a hand-basket.
  • The fact that the tooth fairy failed to come the first night, and that this response is completely T’s personality. Instead of anger, disappointment, or sadness, she just writes the offender a sweet letter wanting to know more about them.
  • The fact that she wants to know more about the fairy, where the fairy lives, and who the fairy hangs out with.
  • “Tiller loves fairys!”
  • Fairies wear hearts on their shirts.

Maybe there are such things as fairies. . . and maybe, just maybe, they show up at just the right time, right when you need a little lifting of your spirits.

Yeah, I Wore Pink Tulle. So what?

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

“Mama?” Tiller said.
“Yes, baby?” I muttered while cooking dinner.
Tiller: “Mama, will you be a fairy with me?”
Me: “huh?”
Tiller: “Will you be a fairy with me?”
Me: “I don’t think so, baby. I’m not pretty enough to be a fairy.”
Todd: “You know, we just did a tooth fairy spot. I can get you a fairy costume easy.”
Me: “Shut up, Todd.”

And that’s how I came to be a pink fairy for Halloween.

A little background first:

Fairies in the Manger

Wednesday, December 15th, 2010

The other night, Todd and Rollie left for Boy Scouts and Tiller and I were still at the dinner table talking. She was telling me how she had her feelings hurt because Vivian and Anna both got to be Mary when they played manger, and she did not get a turn. I was amazed that she really knew about the manger and Mary. Upon further questioning, she also knows what a manger is, who is in the manger (Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus), and that there were animals all around, because there “was no hotel.”

Me: “Didn’t some other people come to the manger?”
Tiller: “Yes. The wise men, and the fairies.”
Me: “The fairies?”
Tiller: “Yes, the fairies come to see the Baby Jesus.”
Me: “Honey, I think you mean the Angels.”
Tiller: “Oh, yes! They have wings like fairies!”