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Posts Tagged ‘Mom and Dad’

What’s Up with Me

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Not sure how I always end up so overwhelmed in the Fall. For one thing, school starts at the beginning of August, which, in my head, is still summer. So it catches me off guard.

  • Rollie is in school, and he has his first cold of the school year. It is the second week of school. I also have his first cold of the school year.
  • Tiller doesn’t start for another couple weeks. (I think. Guess I should check on that.)
  • I am volunteering at Rollie’s school, writing the monthly newsletter for the entire school (with a co-chair, thank god.) I also help with Literary Guild once a week.
  • The kids are gearing up for Fall extracurriculars – Both kids did well in soccer last year, so they are both playing again this fall. That means a weekly practice for Rollie, Rollie’s game on Saturdays, and Tiller’s on Sundays. (Tiller’s consists of running around, dancing on the field, drawing in the dirt, and lots and lots of crying.)
  • I am trying to up my mileage a bit to train for the Half at Thanksgiving. So far, ankle is holding up well, and it is just me being out of shape from over a month off my feet after the ankle sprain. I am also doing weight watcher’s at the same time, which makes for a ravenous Annie. Oh, and I am still growing out the dyed hair, hoping to go gray. It is getting more and more noticeable. I know. I still need to post some pics. Will do that one of these days.
  • Tiller started ballet and tap last week. Anyone who knows Tiller can probably imagine how humorous this event is. So, we are running around looking for tap shoes and leotards and ballet slippers. I am mostly wondering how I got myself into the whole mess in the first place.
  • And Rollie is playing baseball (well, t-ball) for the first time. It scares me to death, watching him walk around with a baseball bat. So many heads to crack, so little time. Should be interesting to watch, though. He seems to like to play and is very coordinated.
  • Todd is working his rear off, which is good in this economy, but makes for a stressed-out Todd and a single Mama Anne. I honestly don’t know how you single moms do it. Hats off to you. Todd will get the weekend off and then starts yet another job next week.
  • I am still crafting a complaint to file with Dekalb County schools concerning their botched Magnet lottery system, and especially, the beeyotches that run the program.
  • The car needs to be serviced, the basement is gearing up for renovations, which we are doing ourselves. I am taking a floor-laying class this Saturday. And in the midst of it all, my parents are cleaning out Pop’s house, having a garage sale this weekend, and trying to find a house in Atlanta.
  • Busy Fall.

    Happy 39th!

    Saturday, June 21st, 2008

    Receiving Line, 1969
    Happy anniversary to my parents, who have been married 39 years. The longer I am married, the more I realize how impressive my parents’ marriage is and how much they have put into their life together.

    I love you both very much!

    Virginia and Cecil

    Bo Reincarnate

    Thursday, November 29th, 2007

    My Mom and Dad got a new dog. I knew they couldn’t hold out much longer. They have had a dog at all times for as long as I can remember. Going a year or more without one seemed so strange to me. Granted, they had Keeley and Bo for EVAH, and they they were completely a part of the family.

    Well, here is the crazy thing. Mom picked out a new dog. And it is almost exactly like Bo. It even sits on people’s laps and growls. Just like Bo used to do.

    For anyone who knew Bo, you will know that it is hysterical that Mom got another dog like him. He was the meanest son of a bitch you ever laid eyes on. If you opened a door and Bo was behind it, he would attack the door and he actually lost teeth a few times. My friend Scott always thought we should make our family Christmas card a picture of Bo snarling at the camera. And he was right, because it was the funniest thing ever.

    Anyway, no picture of the new little man, whose name is Max. He sure is cute.

    Dispatch from Hell

    Saturday, October 27th, 2007

    Hell is the wonderful municipality of Warner Robins, GA, a town built up around an air force base. It is full of concrete and really ugly buildings. My father said he would never come back here after he finished high school and moved back to Savannah, where he was born. He is back, because no one counted on my grandfather making it to 92 years old, and Pop still lives here. So, now, mom and dad do too. My sister and I are in complete agreement that once Pop dies and Mom and Dad get out of this hell hole, we will never come back again. EVER.

    We are watching Pop this weekend while Mom and Dad get away for a couple of days. So far, today:

    5 a.m. I wake up to hear Rollie and Pop talking on the baby monitor. Pop has gotten up to go to the bathroom, which we were under the impression he can no longer do on his own. Evidently, he can, and the walker woke up Rollie, who thought it was Lisa and yelled out, “Lisa!” which promptly woke both Lisa and Tiller. I run upstairs, wondering what the hell is going on. Everyone is awake. Pop is sitting on the toilet with the door open (awesome) and Tiller is crying out and Lisa is asking me what I am doing upstairs. We get everyone calmed back down, with admonitions to Rollie that he shouldn’t get out of bed until the sun comes up.

    5:15 a.m. I am back downstairs in bed with the dog. My stomach hurts like shit. I am trying to go back to sleep. I realize that my stomach hurts because it is upset and then I spend the next 3 hours in and out of the bathroom. I never fall back asleep.

    8 a.m. Everyone is up and clamoring for breakfast and the dogs need to go outside and i feel like crap. I slap raisin bran on the table for the kids, while Lisa takes the dogs out, because I just can’t risk being that far away from the bathroom.

    8:15 a.m. Pop calls and wants someone to get his breakfast and his insulin shot for him. He gets the shots at every meal and before bedtime. Lisa takes pity on me and takes both kids and her Jack Russell Terror, Emily, with her. I lay on the bed with Quint and try to enjoy quiet despite cramping stomach.

    8:20 a.m. My mom calls. So much for my stolen moments without children. She wants to know what Lisa wanted. I don’t know, but will have Lisa call her.

    8:30 a.m. Lisa yelling, “No, Emily! No! No!” Lisa is saying over baby monitor.

    8:40 a.m. Everyone comes back downstairs, except Pop, who never leaves his Lazy Boy. Lisa freaking out. Emily ate rat poison. After determining that children never came in contact with rat poison, I google “Dog ate rat poison.”

    8:50 a.m. Lisa and Emily get in car to go to vet, where she will be given something to make her puke up the poison, and a shot of something to counteract the effects of the poison.

    8:55 a.m. I venture out to the carport so that Rollie can ride his bike and Tiller can play with sharp and poisonous stuff, of which there is a ton, because my grandfather has not thrown out a single item since about 1935. Quint gets his leash caught up in the porch furniture he is tied to while I chug Pepto Bismol. Tiller runs around at breakneck speed with a stick and then falls and skins both knees, just as Rollie barrels down the slope of the driveway, narrowly missing my Grandma’s c. 1980s Cadillac with 19,000 miles on it. Yes, Grandma has been dead for five years, but why get rid of a perfectly good Caddy only driven to the Beauty Shop on Thursdays and church on Sundays? Swerving to miss Caddy, Rollie’s bike flies out from under him and he lands smack dab on his ass, then gets up wailing. He climbs up into my lap for consolation, as I juggle Pepto and a dog leash, and Tiller then comes over to give him a hug, too, which was sweet, but only makes him shriek in my ear.

    That’s just a taste of a few moments in the alternate reality that is my Grandfather’s house. Things have gotten better since about ten. Emily is going to make it, and the medicine might even make her sleep for the afternoon. Lisa took Tiller and Rollie to the store to get stuff for dinner and to give me a break from them. Both dogs are sleeping. Pop doesn’t need lunch and a shot until 1:30. Lunch for him is easy, because he eats the same lunch every day: 1 pimento cheese sandwich, one small can of baked beans, and one can of Vienna sausages, all cold and out of the can. Puke-O-Rama.

    Certainly things will continue on this upward trend until 3:30, when Cocktail party kicks off, at which point Bulldogs will disappoint me, and I will hopefully be over my stomach deal, so I can drink my sorrows away with a few Saturday afternoon beers.

    Hope everyone else is having an awesome Saturday. With less poison, poop, barking, and did I mention the pooping? than we are experiencing here.