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Posts Tagged ‘Family Photos’

Even 34 years ago . . .

Monday, December 7th, 2009

I was still there for my little sis. You know, to help her open those gifts. Now I drink the wine with her, and maybe borrow stuff she gets. That’s how I roll.

Look at us, back in ’75! Leelee, I am sure that if we diet enough, we can wear these outfits again, and not look like sofas.

Lisa's First Birthday, 1975

I love you, Lee. Have a wonderful birthday.

For Jason B.

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

For Jason, who thinks Rollie and I look so much alike at Rollie’s age. . . check out my mother, at about the same age. In very p.c. Indian headdress, with old Aunt Zelma, and her dog, Peg. Evidently, Zelma used to fart and blame it on Peg all the time. Mom will have to confirm, but I believe this photo was taken at the duplex on either Seminole Dr. or Mason Dr., Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN.


Can’t seem to find the picture of me in my Birmingham PeeWees baseball uniform, but Rollie and I look a LOT alike in that one.

Coming up on Dogwood Girl: “Before” photos of our basement; “Before” photos of my gray roots.

Nephew Overload at Dogwood Girl

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

I know that I just posted a picture of Dash last week, but that was a situation where he had to share the spotlight with Emily the Terrible, and really, as his mother so aptly put it, “Dash is a complete publicity whore.”

Not another picture of Dogwood's Nephew!

Not another picture of Dogwood's Nephew!

Rollie of the Day

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

Originally uploaded by Dogwood Girl.

Another old picture of Rollie that just cracks me up. Yes, we were drinking beer while Rollie sat on the beach and ate some kind of seaweed. Good parenting.

This was in Key West. I think later that night Rollie went to his first Fantasy Fest. . . maybe not the best idea for those under 18, but you know we like to live on the edge.