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Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

On Civil Discourse in Social Media, or That Time My Friend Called My Mom an Asshole on Facebook

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

I read this post by Ginger at RambleRamble today.

There is a PERSON behind the things you are saying. When you say that all liberals, or all conservatives…when you say that all Democrats or all Republicans…when you say that ALL of any group is/says/does/thinks/behaves/believes/hates/loves/etc., you are saying that about real people. Honest to goodness, flesh and blood people. Not just ideologies. Not just platforms. Not just issues. Not just politicians. Your friends. Your family. Your neighbors. Your coworkers.

I was about to say “this amazing post,” but, really, isn’t what she is saying just common sense and common courtesy? Still, she said something that needed to be said, because people need to be reminded that actions often make a difference, and words sometimes make scars.

Take Joe. Joe is gay. He can’t vote Republican, because of the anti-gay rights issue. But he also thinks that Obamacare will bankrupt the country, so he’s not too jazzed about voting Democrat. What kind of choice does he have? And either way, he gets lambasted by the side he doesn’t pick. He votes for a Democrat, and suddenly, he’s “on the government dole.” Just because the poor guy couldn’t bring himself to vote for the people who refused to recognize his civil right to marry whom he wants! Or he votes Republican, and gets to hear all the time about how much he hates gays. He is gay, for fuck’s sake. Does he hate himself? Or maybe he just feels that healthcare mandates will sink his business, and that is slightly more important to him in this election.

Or then there’s, oh, I don’t know . . . my mom. She is voting for Romney (I guess. I didn’t actually ask.)
When I post the article above on Facebook, voicing my agreement, folks weigh in. I think, well, it’s a post about civility on Facebook. People will respect that. They will be civil.

An *acquaintance replies: “I think name calling is ugly, but I will always use my voice for Civil Rights.”

I’m down with that. I do that myself. But i try not to fall into complete and total name calling. I try.

Me: ‘”Civil” – emphasis on civil.”

Acquaintance: “true dat. I stay civil for the most part. but if you are arguing with me that Romney is good for women, I will most likely call you an asshole.”

More posts from other people, in agreement or disagreement.

Acquaintance: “Intolerance is intolerance.”

Why yes, it is. Except, evidently, if you feel that you are right. And then it’s okay.

More posts about “liars,” and “can’t we all just get along,” and “everyone’s already decided who they’re voting for, so what’s the point,” and “isn’t Facebook for venting?”

My Mom: “Just read all of the above. All I learned is that [acquaintance] thinks I’m an asshole.”

Well, yeah, Ma. That’s pretty much all I, or the rest of Facebook, got out of it too. We continue to be raked across the coals by others who believe that if you aren’t with them, you are against them.

So what was the point? Other than for me to be like, “Damn, Acquaintance. I think you’re an okay person, but you did pretty much just call my Mom an asshole.” Along with PROBABLY MORE THAN HALF THE PEOPLE I GREW UP WITH, 3/4 OF MY FAMILY, AND HALF OF AN ENTIRE COUNTRY.

And you know why? Because their priorities are different, and one is intolerant of another’s choice in priority. Or maybe you both care about women, but one of you think that means free birth control and freedom of choice, and one of you believes that it is more helpful for women to live in a country that isn’t going to be crumbling in debt in 20 years.

What is the answer? Hell if I know, but I know what it isn’t. It definitely isn’t some friend of a friend calling my Mom an asshole on Facebook.

I should probably heed this advice a bit more myself. I am not perfect – not even close – but when it comes to politics, I try to be thoughtful and eloquent and not to cuss like a sailor, because I am constantly appalled at all of the people who make sweeping generalizations about huge groups in our country.

“Right-wing Christians won’t stay out of my uterus.”

“Democratic Socialists want to destroy our country from the inside.”

If you vote Republican, you are:

“A moron,” a “nazi,” “uninformed,” “racist,” “unintelligent,” “materialistic,” or “downright evil.”

If you vote Democrat, you are:

“A moron,” “unpatriotic,” “bleeding heart,” “godless,” “communist,” “atheist,” “Muslim-masquerading-as-an-American,” “socialist,” “marxist,” or a “terrorist.”

It’s just ridiculous. It’s like only seeing a world colored in with the 8-color box of Crayolas. Try the 64-color box with the sharpener, folks!

That is what a Crayon Box Should Look Like
That is what a Crayon Box Should Look Like by BenSpark, on Flickr

There is more than one shade of Red, and more than one shade of Blue. Some of us are Purple. Some of us are Green. Some of us are not even crayons; we are those pens that have four colors in them, and the color changes depending on which button you push when you need a particular color.

Bic four colour pen. Classic doodle biro.
Bic four colour pen. Classic doodle biro. by MikiStrange, on Flickr

I tell you, people exist in more than eight colors. Where do these crayons fit?

  • Fiscal Conservative who votes Democrat because of civil rights issues
  • Social Conservative who votes Democrat despite civil rights issues
  • Christian Democrats
  • Pro-Choice Republicans
  • Gay Republicans
  • Gay Christians
  • Republican parent with a gay son or daughter
  • Person who eats Chik-fil-a, but thinks two men or two women should be able to marry, have children, adopt children, and be afforded equal rights
  • Person who believes that the government should not recognize any marriages at all
  • Democrat who is anti-choice
  • Agnostic or Atheist Republican
  • Democrat for the death penalty
  • Independent who chooses the lesser of two evils, because they just don’t want the “really bad guy” to win, and to do anything else throws away their vote
  • Independent who decides to vote on principle, and is continually frustrated by other Independents who don’t do the same

I didn’t just create this list out of thin air. These are examples of real people, with real lives, who really struggle with voting on “the issues,” because their lives are not black, or white, or an 8-color box of crayons. And someone thinks every one of those people is an asshole. They said so. On Facebook.

Everyone just keeps trying to jam these Lavenders, Neon Carrots, Manatees, Burnt Siennas, Mahoganys, Crimsons, Flaxes, Forests, and Navys into the 8-color box. We don’t fit. We just don’t fit, and then you tell us we are wrong, evil, stupid for not fitting.

*Person I know. To be fair, she didn’t say, “Hey, Anne. Your mom is an Asshole.” But my Mom thinks voting for Romney is best for our country. Not sure if she thinks he is good for women, but I assume so, because she took offense at the statement. And that happens every five seconds for someone on Facebook. I’m not writing this post to call out this person. (Believe me, when I call people out, I do it by name.) This person is simply an example. This person is not an isolated incident. This person is most of us. Not a friend exactly, but the friend of friends. We have mutual acquaintances. We have mutual friends. Our kids have played together. I think she’s interesting and nice. I would never think she would call my mom an asshole. But she pretty much called my mom an asshole. On Facebook. In front of me. It’s cool. She’s not the only one. She just happened to be the example that happened in the thread where i posted about an article pleading for civility on Facebook. She just happened to be the one who missed the point completely. Am I mad? No. Do I still like her? Yes. Will I ever forget she called my mom an asshole? Nope. Will I forgive her? Yes. Do I hope she, and everyone who reads this, will think twice before making a sweeping generalization or hurling an insult on Facebook? Yes.

Update: Ginger, the author of the original blog post that prompted my post, has posted The Inevitable Follow-Up Post. Well worth a read.

This makes me laugh, even though UGA lost.

Saturday, October 30th, 2010

So, my fellow Dawg Brant and I decided to take it to one thread for the cocktail party. In real time, it went something like this.
(Copied text from Facebook, because I am too lazy to do a screen shot.)

Anne Palmer Johnson Brant and Annie’s Saturday Dawg Thread.
4 hours ago · Friends Only · Comment · LikeUnlike

Anne Palmer Johnson Which I am pretty sure is a jinx. Murray fumble.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Let me start by saying…FUCK!!!
4 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading…
Anne Palmer Johnson Verizon thing v. annoying.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Hunker down you hairy dogs!
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley I like this thread idea. You’re a smart one, Annie.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Ugh
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson I think it’s a jinx.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Dude, you’ve got to be kidding me. Should we go to silence and see what happens?
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Rollie’s a jinx: Just asked what a turnover was. Rt before boykin dropped it.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Duct tape him.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley No more passing for Murray.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Yeah, let’s try silence til 2nd half. sigh.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Erik Tamplin It’s because I’m watching. Will turn it off.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Whatever works.
4 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Damn it, Tamplin!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley I’m halfway crying right now.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Lisa Palmer Thomas They’re com in’ back, Annie. I can feel it!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Ken Womack Gators’ total offense vs LSU – 243 yards. Gators’ total offense vs UGA in first half – 248 yards. Thought you’d like to know.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Lisa Palmer Thomas Wow. That was cold.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Lisa, Ken is a total sweetheart. All the girls say so.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley ?3 points. Can do better than that.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Ken, another stat I am loving – 15 uga turnovers in last 4 and a half games against UF. Just sad.
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips Yes!!!’. (Virginia voice)
2 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading…
Jason Billips F yeah!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson I wish y’all could see the dance I just did. It was real good.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Erik Tamplin Can I turn it back on?
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson That hurt. Better turn it back off Erik.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Erik Tamplin Sorry bout that.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Aj green.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson AJ fuckin green!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips Wow. AJ with 3 defenders!
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips Think I spotted Miss Piggy in the 2nd row behind UF cheerleaders
2 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personYou like this.
Anne Palmer Johnson OH GOD. I am about to cry.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley Here’s that sick feeling again.
2 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson ?[breathing into brown paper bag]
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips Pass the bag
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading…
Anne Palmer Johnson Thank you god for dawg kickers.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Need bag back again.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips I want this so bad
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson WLOCP overtime? I might not make it.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Brant Rackley What the fuck?! Medic!!!!
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading…
Jason Billips Annie – u ok?
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Billips I promise to say my prayers and brush my teeth
about an hour ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading…
Anne Palmer Johnson oh.dear.god.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Also? Whatever happens? Murray is a badass.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike
Anne Palmer Johnson Not sure if this thread was good or bad for the team. At least it wasn’t a woodshed event.

New Music Suggestions

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

So, i mentioned on Facebook that I needed new music recommendations, and boy did the folks come out in droves. Thought I would share the wealth, and point Dogwood readers over there, so you can benefit also.

And of course, more music recommendations welcome in the comments.

I Don’t Know

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Why i have been so uninspired to write lately. It is unlike me. Maybe it is the rain (blame it on the rain) or the busyness of life. I just don’t know. But i am here. I will write. If life will just stop getting in the way. Or maybe it is Facebook getting in the way. Facebook is life, right? No?

Nano Update

Friday, November 21st, 2008

Well, I fell off the wagon a few days this week, but find that when I sit down to write, I am pretty damn fast at cranking this stuff out. I am at 32475, i think. Plenty of time left to meet my goal, and I honestly think this is going to go over 50,000 words.

I am so glad that i started this. It has given me a confidence that I have not had before.

And now I am going to go out and have fun tonight with people from high school – Very strange! And not embarrassing at all that i blogged about wanting to have sex with one of them in the middle of homeroom! Or that his fiance is coming! Or that Natalie might wear some ridiculous ensemble involving a hooker heels, egged on by Carrie, with Camille laughing all the while. I am sure there is little chance of the Roswell Police being called on us.

I am sure i will feel wonderful in the morning, just in time to go to a cookout with more high school people! Go Creekers!

Facebook is weird.

Oh, and i have a date on Sunday. With Edward. He’s very mature.

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

My Mom is now on Facebook.