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Posts Tagged ‘Auburn’


Thursday, January 7th, 2010

When we were in Auburn over the holidays, Todd and I had drinks at our friends’ Iain and Noelle’s house. I love Noelle, because she is a crazy dog lady like myself (but with the added plus of having a husband who allows her more than one dog – they have three) and there are usually about five to ten dogs hanging out there on any given day. Also, they don’t care when I bring along the Q Man. I love that.

So, when Quint was a puppy, Iain’s son, Noah, couldn’t say Quint and instead called him “Squid.” And so the nickname stuck for the Stewart clan, and when Quint is at Iain’s house, he is Squid.

Iain is a very talented watercolorist. While we were there, Iain’s brother Matt showed me a watercolor that Iain had done of Matt and Shannon’s two dogs, Bodie and Omar. I LOVED it and was so jealous. I told Iain I wanted him to do one of Quint some day. Unbeknownst to me, Iain went back to his office and pulled up this picture of Quint on his computer:


And then, while I drank beer and petted dogs, and chatted with Noelle, Shannon, and Fiona while watching Dream Girls, Iain proceeded to sketch and paint Quint, in about 20 minutes. (Like i said, he is v. talented.) Check Squid out!

My dog Quint in a watercolor by Iain Stewart.

My dog Quint in a watercolor by Iain Stewart.

That is not a very good shot of the painting, and I did not have time to scan him in, but if you want to see a great scan of the Squid watercolor, and other works by the very talented Iain, go to Iain Stewart Watercolors website or Facebook page. Make sure to become a fan!

You will see that Iain only dabbles in dog portraiture, but is an amazing Landscape Watercolorist (I have one in my bedroom that he gave to us on our Wedding Day) and a talented Architectural Illustrator. In addition, he does a wonderful drunk Scot impersonation, and a damn funny r2d2.

It makes me feel a little like a wealthy Victorian lady to have a commissioned portrait of my favorite pet. I must go find my parasol and bonnet now.

Clark Griswold, Robert Gibbs, Bartimaeus, and Jesus

Thursday, December 17th, 2009

No, this is not the beginning of a joke. It is the only title i could come up with for this post that covered it all. It started out that I was posting about Todd’s high school friends’ husband’s light display, and veered off into a discussion of my Mother-in-law’s failed dreams for Todd’s future, Todd’s 20th high school reunion, and a Houston minister’s sermon, inspired by one of my blog posts, wherein the Minister compares me to Bartimaeus and Jesus. Yes, that Jesus. (No laughing.)

You try and give this post a better title . . . .

Yes, I know Clark Griswold. Or, at least, we’ve met. He’s married to the girl Todd was supposed to marry. You know, if my mother-in-law had gotten her way. Her name is . . .well, we’ll call her “G.,” and she and Todd went to school and church together growing up in Auburn. Their parents are friends and Todd’s mom worked at the church, and his mom finally told me one day, not long after Todd and I married, that she always wished that Todd had dated G. G was sweet and Christian and smart and exactly what Peggy thought she wanted in a daughter-in-law. I think maybe she thought some of this goodness would rub off on Todd. She must have told me 30 million times that Todd used to get in trouble in school. (I think she still holds a grudge about the wringer she was put through due to Todd’s behavior, and now that I am a parent, i understand.) G would tell her that Todd always had the smartest answers in class, and my MIL was just baffled by his behavior. G could see the goodness in Todd! She was perfect. I believe my mother-in-law also secretly coveted an arranged marriage for Todd’s younger brother and G’s younger sister. None of this came to pass, of course, because I am a complete and total Maneater, and we don’t often practice arranged marriages here in the South, even in Alabama.

I never met G. in the many years Todd and I have been together. G’s parents came to my wedding and we would see them around town when visiting Auburn. I even met G’s little sister at one point. But no matter how often i heard about her, I never met G until Todd’s 20th reunion. You know the one. Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary for President Barack Obama was there? It was the one where I got bored and pretended to be one of Todd’s absent high school friends after his sex change. Yes, I am now probably on some kind of CIA/FBI list for impersonating Robert Gibbs’ high school classmate.

So, I finally met my competition, G., and her husband, Clark. And it turned out we hit it off, and now we are friends on Facebook, and she reads my blog. She even used something she read on my blog as inspiration for one of her sermons. (Certainly a first.) Yes, she is a preacher. Or minister. Or whatever she calls herself. I am not sure. We grew up calling the person who did the sermon ‘the preacher.” If you are so inclined, please listen to the whole sermon, as G. is really a great writer and speaker. My mention in the sermon comes in about the last fourth of the sermon. I must add that she did me great justice in the sermon, because I am certainly not as compassionate as she makes me out to be. It did make for a great sermon, though!

So, with all of this high drama, I barely had a chance to get to know her husband at the reunion. I wish I had. I really want to know the man that has the vision to create the following light display. No, I am not an Auburn fan. But I married into an Auburn family, and I do have an appreciation for the fanatical desire to stamp a team logo on one’s house in large, bright, multicolored, musically-coordinated lights to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.

And I just love G. all the more for being a Minister in Houston whose house looks like this during the Christmas season.

2009 Lights On Merrimac Ridge Animated Lights from Merrimac Ridge on Vimeo.

Iron Bowl, 2009

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

And other assorted Auburn Thanksgiving happenings.

Todd’s dad gave us his tickets to the Auburn/Alabama game, and they watched the children for us to boot. I had tailgated before, but had not actually been in the stadium for a game. The hate was palpable. Beforehand was stellar people-watching, as usual.

These Auburn fans named their children following the Alabama Scotch tradition. I know Todd was hoping they were Bama fans, but nope! AU.

These Auburn fans named their children following the Alabama Scotch tradition. I know Todd was hoping they were Bama fans, but nope! AU.

Possibly my favorite moment of the day was cutting through a tunnel of a building on campus and getting caught behind the AU marching band warming up.

Possibly my favorite moment of the day was cutting through a tunnel of a building on campus and getting caught behind the AU marching band warming up.

We waited behind them as they warmed up, then slowly followed them out of the tunnel as they played.

We waited behind them as they warmed up, then slowly followed them out of the tunnel as they played.

It is not very often that you have a marching band to lead you in. The sun glinting off Tubas and drums was kinda magical.

It is not very often that you have a marching band to lead you in. The sun glinting off Tubas and drums was kinda magical.

We met up with the Reids for tailgating in a prime spot by the theater. Old friends were there . . .
Scarlett and her cousin, Thomas. . .

Scarlett and her cousin, Thomas. . .

Ned and Nessie . . .

Ned and Nessie

Brandon and Carlie . . .

Brandon and Carlie . . .

And Ned's brother Chris set me up with a Bloody Mary. And the Anne was happy.

And Ned's brother Chris set me up with a Bloody Mary. And the Anne was happy.

My partners-in-crime for the Tiger Walk - Brandon, Carlie, and Vanessa. None of them had ever seen it either!

My partners-in-crime for the Tiger Walk - Brandon, Carlie, and Vanessa. None of them had ever seen it either!

Then we realized we were right next to the Tiger Walk, so I went to check it out for people-watching research. It was well worth it.

Then we realized we were right next to the Tiger Walk, so I went to check it out for people-watching research. It was well worth it.

Oh, the people-watching. I adore stupid football shirts like this one.

Oh, the people-watching. I adore stupid football shirts like this one.

Did i mention it was a perfect sunny day? Not hot OR cold?

Did i mention it was a perfect sunny day? Not hot OR cold?

Yep, more dumb shirtage. It was like shootin' fish in a barrel.

Yep, more dumb shirtage. It was like shootin' fish in a barrel.

Well, good day to YOU, sir!

Well, good day to YOU, sir!

I don't know what you call these things, but I want a Georgia one, for when I am trying to get the troops at home to clean house.

I don't know what you call these things, but I want a Georgia one, for when I am trying to get the troops at home to clean house.

I wonder what possesses a man to get up in the morning and put this on his head.

I wonder what possesses a man to get up in the morning and put this on his head.

Or a perfectly good, self-respecting souther woman to wear pants like these?

Or a perfectly good, self-respecting souther woman to wear pants like these?

I mean, come on, ladies. You look like couches.

I mean, come on, ladies. You look like couches.

I can't say anything snarky about this little girl, because she was just as cute as can be.

I can't say anything snarky about this little girl, because she was just as cute as can be.

My old friend Brett came in town for the iron bowl and brought his girlfriend. They live in Seattle. It was fun to see her in his native habitat.

My old friend Brett came in town for the iron bowl and brought his girlfriend. They live in Seattle. It was fun to see her in his native habitat.

Lucy gets her picture made with this interesting Tiger setup. It was her first SEC game, and boy did she pick the right one.

Lucy gets her picture made with this interesting Tiger setup. It was her first SEC game, and boy did she pick the right one.

Interesting setup here. Todd wouldn't let me go sit down with these kids.

Interesting setup here. Todd wouldn't let me go sit down with these kids.

This just cracked me up.

This just cracked me up.

This is Todd's good friend Chuck's sister. Chuck is the friend that couldn't make it to their 20th reunion, so I pretended to be him after his sex change and caused much confusion on the part of former classmates. I highly recommend adopting a fake persona when attending a spouse's reunion. Lying makes it more fun. Corey and I talked about my crush on her sister-in-law.

This is Todd's good friend Chuck's sister. Chuck is the friend that couldn't make it to their 20th reunion, so I pretended to be him after his sex change and caused much confusion on the part of former classmates. I highly recommend adopting a fake persona when attending a spouse's reunion. Lying makes it more fun. Corey and I talked about my crush on her sister-in-law.

We saw Todd's friend Jared and his son, Jack.

We saw Todd's friend Jared and his son, Jack.

Todd and Inflatable Aubie

Todd and Inflatable Aubie

Even the program guys get into the spirit.

Even the program guys get into the spirit.

This woman claimed to be wearing Auburn panties, but I don't buy it. Blingy, too! These getups just slay me.

This woman claimed to be wearing Auburn panties, but I don't buy it. Blingy, too! These getups just slay me.

Outside the stadium finishing our beer. I love that "right-before-the-game" excitement you get at the gates.
We ran into Adria and Chris on the way in.

We ran into Adria and Chris on the way in.

I chatted with this woman in the tunnels to our seats. She was nice, and I respect her fashion choices.

I chatted with this woman in the tunnels to our seats. She was nice, and I respect her fashion choices.

There was an eagle on the sidelines. Once again, i got to the stadium too late to see the damn eagle fly. I am starting to doubt that it really does fly.

There was an eagle on the sidelines. Once again, i got to the stadium too late to see the damn eagle fly. I am starting to doubt that it really does fly.

Todd sitting next to his Bama buddy for the game.

Todd sitting next to his Bama buddy for the game.

Auburn and Alabama, side by side. I am not kidding - the hatred is palpable in this stadium.

Auburn and Alabama, side by side. I am not kidding - the hatred is palpable in this stadium.

I love catching fans in the throes of anger, despair, or disgust.

I love catching fans in the throes of anger, despair, or disgust.

He's back! They guy from the UGA game! Todd and i love him.

He's back! They guy from the UGA game! Todd and i love him.

You know that your marital ties have brought you down to inappropriate depths when you go to an Auburn game and recognize the fans.

You know that your marital ties have brought you down to inappropriate depths when you go to an Auburn game and recognize the fans.

First half was good. Then we left (I had enough of the mouthbreather behind me, and of being packed in like sardines.) Second half? Not so good.

To be continued. . . And you know you have to read it, because it is just like you were there, and you can almost smell the November sunshine. Also, the suspense is killing you. Did Todd cry when they game was over?

The Streak Continues

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Todd and I went to Athens on Saturday, for our biennial Georgia vs. Auburn football game attendance. My father-in-law usually gives us his tickets for the game when it is in Athens. He does, however, reserve the right to revoke this gift in case of the game being some huge, season-altering event for Auburn, such as both teams going into the game undefeated. Needless to say, that revocation was not put into action this season, as both teams are sucking ass.

So, we got up on Saturday, had a quiet coffee together (kids were already in Auburn with grandparents!) and then drove up to Athens. After dropping off the dog, and going back by the house to get the tickets, of course. Helps to get into the stadium if you have them.

We stopped at my friend Brant’s house and left my camera battery to charge on his porch. He was not there, and despite our best efforts to meet up, we never got ourselves together enough to do so. That did not step him and Opel from sending me awesome texts that made me laugh throughout the game. Most were directed at my dear husband, the Auburn Tiger, and what he could put into his mouth after any given play in the game.

We had T-stand (that one’s for you, Scotty P, Honey, and Ryan – if any of you can tell me exactly what I ordered, i will mail you five bucks) for lunch, then headed off to find somewhere to park. Not fun. Ended up paying a ridiculous amount for parking. I have to say that, even in the throng of obnoxious people out and about in on game day, there are few better feelings than walking around Athens and the University of Georgia campus with a beer in hand, especially when the temperature is in the 70s in November.

We headed off to Horton Drugs (I love an old-school drugstore), so that I could purchase some Tylenol, since I was coming down with a cold all that day. The old pharmacist actually came out from behind the counter and helped me find the Tylenol, even pointing out the generic, while the hippie kid cashier was obviously high.

Horton's Drugs

Horton's Drugs

After that, I took a gander at the burned out Georgia Theater. (I forgot to make my usual poke at Todd that I saw the Pixies there back in the day, and that he has to settle for seeing them come out on walkers in Chicago this weekend. I don’t know how he is gonna get by. The hardship!)
The Georgia Theater, November 2009

The Georgia Theater, November 2009

We headed over to The Globe for beer. I never really spent that much time at the Globe when I was in Athens, because I thought it was expensive and that the people who hung out there were old, professorial, and boring. Funny how your perspective changes as you age.

We went inside, grabbed a table, and then Todd went to the bar to get us a Terrapin. (When in Rome.) A seat opened up at the couch in the window. Snagged it. Then Todd, eagle eye that he is, noticed a table outside and grabbed that, and the rest is history. We did not move again until time to go to the game. Why would we move when it was 70 degrees and we had the best people watching EVER? I was not able to get shots of most of these astounding outfits, but I did snap a few.

You gotta love a town where people bring their cooler with them into the bar.

You gotta love a town where people bring their cooler with them into the bar.

You can't tell, but this charming lady has overalls with GA patches all over, including a huge one on her butt. Flattering!

You can't tell, but this charming lady has overalls with GA patches all over, including a huge one on her butt. Flattering!

Overalls aren't just for the ladies. At least this gentleman knows that vertical stripes are slimming!

Overalls aren't just for the ladies. At least this gentleman knows that vertical stripes are slimming!

This lady cracked me up. She has a football field sweater. A bulldog necklace. She is not messing around about her love of the Bulldogs.

This lady cracked me up. She has a football field sweater. A bulldog necklace. She is not messing around about her love of the Bulldogs.

Even the bulldogs want you to be sure you know for whom they are pulling . . .

Even the bulldogs want you to be sure you know for whom they are pulling . . .

One more comment about fashion, and then I will stop. IF YOU ARE WEARING BROWN BOOTS WITH A SKIRT OR SHORT DRESS, YOU BETTER DAMN WELL BE AT LEAST 5’7″ AND UNDER 130 POUNDS OR YOU WILL LOOK LIKE A COW. I am not kidding, ladies. Every girl under 25 in Athens, Bulldog or Tiger, was wearing a short dress or skirt with brown boots that come up to about halfway up the calf. We saw whole packs of these young ladies, and this was the main point that we came up with as a group. (By this time, we have been joined by our friend Annie and her boyfriend, Scott. Annie is Auburn folk, but Scott, God bless’im, is a Georgia fan, so I was not outnumbered.)
Fellows of the Peanut Gallery

Fellows of the Peanut Gallery

We also recommend longer skirts for the heavier girls, and dark tights look better with these boots. I will not be wearing my brown boots with a skirt ever again after this weekend. Only with jeans. Not kidding when I say that the brown boot/short skirt look is the “bow head” of the 2009 season. However, if you spend a lot of time with drunks, I guess it is okay: Both Todd and Scott became more lenient on the skirt length issue after a few drinks.
On their way to grab beer from the car.

On their way to grab beer from the car.

We sat and watched folks walk to campus until the sun started to go down, then walked to the car to get more beer to carry with us. One needs sustenance to get from downtown to the stadium on game day – it took us almost 45 minutes to get through the crowd, but the walk was enjoyable.
I love this time of day in Athens.

I love this time of day in Athens.

We made it down to Park Hall, with just enough time to drink a last beer. I must have spent a million hours on the steps of this building, smoking when I should have been in class, having crossword puzzle wars with Kevin. (The Red and Black had the easiest crossword puzzle ever. We would get it and then race to see who would finish it first.) I think this is probably where i met Vanessa and Robin, too, and when you think about it, if I hadn’t met them, i never would have met my husband. Funny how life works that way. So, it was fitting that we sat here and drank beer and people-watched some more.
Old Stomping Grounds

Old Stomping Grounds

I mostly posted this one because I like the light. I do not endorse tobacco use.

I mostly posted this one because I like the light. I do not endorse tobacco use.

This is not what the front of Park Hall looked like when I went to school here. Fancy!

This is not what the front of Park Hall looked like when I went to school here. Fancy!

This is what i look like very sober. This is what Todd looks like when he is humoring me.

This is what i look like very sober. This is what Todd looks like when he is humoring me.

This is what i look like when I am heckling a young man trying to pee in a corner.

This is what i look like when I am heckling a young man trying to pee in a corner.

This is the only picture I could get of me with Annie showing her face.

This is the only picture I could get of me with Annie showing her face.

We finally finished beers (I say this as if I didn’t just about shotgun two in a row) and then made our way through the madness of Sanford to the stadium. There is something so surreal about a night game, and all of the people and their anticipation. We split up from Annie and Scott at this point. Despite all of my efforts, Scott did not ditch Annie and take me to his club seats with him, even though I would have been much more fun. His loss!
This guy evidently never ages. He has been there as long as I can remember. Note that I have no problem with people who love Jesus; Only the ones who tell me I am going to burn in hell when i am just trying to have a good time with friends at a football game.

This guy evidently never ages. He has been there as long as I can remember. Note that I have no problem with people who love Jesus; Only the ones who tell me I am going to burn in hell when i am just trying to have a good time with friends at a football game.

See up there in the very top of the left-hand corner? That is where we sat.

See up there in the very top of the left-hand corner? That is where we sat.

We made our way all the way up to our seats. I have to say that all of the folks in the Auburn visitor’s section were really polite and well-behaved. I am not saying they were not rabid, and I did have to give the evil eye to one dude who drunkenly kept on saying, when Rambo was lying motionless on the field, “I hope he’s okay, but that was a cheap shot. I mean, hope the dude’s alright, but cheap shot.” Over and over, while this poor kid was on the field, and they must have been taking the longest commercial break in history, because it felt like forever and we were starting to think the kid had died out there on the field. It was kind of strange to hear the whole stadium chanting, “Rambo! Rambo! Rambo!” as he lay there on the field. But overall, they were really nice. I wish I could say the same about the four bulldog fans sitting behind us. They were probably early to mid 20s. Not sure if they were students or not. Three boys and a girl. And one of them would not stop yelling obscenities. There was a gentleman sitting in front of him with his two sons, who were both under ten years of age or so. I guess the man asked the guys to tone it down. I turned around to hear the Georgia fan yelling at the guy that “there’s a law about bringing kids to night games.” The kids looked terrified. The father looked like he wanted to punch the Bulldog. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was the three Auburn fans trying to ignore them, and the stupid girl sitting there giving the finger to the back of the father’s head, while one of the kids looked on. Todd thought it was stupid, but i went up and asked them to please start behaving themselves. The guy proceeded to tell me that kids weren’t allowed at football games, blahblahblah. The girl laughed at me. I am officially old, because i told them that their mamas would be ashamed of them. I apologized to the man and his kids and asked if they would like to come sit in our seats. They did move, and two Auburn fans thanked me. Todd was right; it was completely pointless to argue about it with dumb drunk kids, but it made me feel better anyway. Not long after this incident, Auburn ran the kickoff back for a touchdown, and I am pretty sure it was bad Bulldog karma that caused the whole thing.
Watching the game with Auburn folks is always interesting. I find myself cheering, but in a very firm, but sportsmanlike manner. There are usually a few other token bulldogs up there, too, and we give some high fives and the like. But really, I try to keep a pretty low profile, and just be polite. It’s pretty orange and blue up there!
This guy was uber-enthusiastic. I thought Todd might end up making out with him.

This guy was uber-enthusiastic. I thought Todd might end up making out with him.

It would be third down, Georgia, and he would turn around and rile the Auburn crowd up.

It would be third down, Auburn, and he would turn around and rile the crowd up.

Then he would turn back around to watch the play. He was more entertaining than the game.

Then he would turn back around to watch the play. He was more entertaining than the game.

This woman was the Auburn version of my Mom cheering for the Vols. Look at those flashing eyes! She was looking right at me, too, Bulldog interloper that i am. She kinda scared me.

This woman was the Auburn version of my Mom cheering for the Vols. Look at those flashing eyes! She was looking right at me, too, Bulldog interloper that i am.

After the game, we headed back to the car, and then drove out to Bishop to stay the night with our friend BT. He and some of the Auburn folks watched the game. I got the usual chilly reception from the die hard fans (I’m lookin’ at you, Kim!), but folks warmed up after I had been there a while. Or maybe that was the bonfire. We sat by the fire, drank beer, and looked at the stars. I ate leftover ribs and potato salad. Yum! And then my coughing overtook me and I had to head for bed.
Sweet, sweet sleep was finally had by me. Except not really, because I got the consumption and coughed all night.

Sweet, sweet sleep was finally had by me. Except not really, because I got the consumption and coughed all night.

I don’t know what time Todd and the rest came to bed, but it was late. The next morning, we got up and left for Atlanta.
Morning in Bishop, GA.

Morning in Bishop, GA.

Oh! Who won, you ask?
Why, the Bulldogs, of course. It was a great game.

Final: 31-24.

My streak continues. See, Todd and I have gone to three Auburn/GA games together in Athens. Georgia has won all three. I also went to an Auburn game with Todd in Auburn, when they played some crappy team. Florida Atlantic, or something like that. Auburn lost that time, too. So, I am not sure whether I am a good luck charm for Georgia, or more of a curse for Auburn.

I like to think it is a little of both.

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose!

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

I’ve written numerous times about my mixed marriage. The kids are completely on the fence. They see a G on a car in front of me and yell, “Bulldogs!” or “Georgia for you, Mama!” or they see that AU on a car and say, “Auburn!” Course, Rollie says, “Aubrun,” and Tiller actually says, “Bullgogs.” Which is really cute.

If they see a G and Todd is in the car, they will ask? “Daddy? You like Bulldogs, right?” And we are good parents, who try to consider if certain things we say might interfere with a child’s self-esteem; Who knows if Todd telling Rollie that he doesn’t like GA, when Rollie likes both UGA and Auburn, will harm R’s burgeoning self-worth?

So we lie.

The standard answer for this from Todd is “Yes, I like them. I like Auburn the best, and then my second favorite team is whoever is playing Bama that week, and then Georgia.” Very diplomatic, and not really untrue.

Standard answer from me is also the truth: “Yes, I like Bullgogs first.” “Then Tigers, mama?” I think for a minute.

“Well, Bulldogs first, then Panthers, then Tigers.

Everyone in the car, even my 2-year-old, look at me like I am crazy.

“Panthers? Who are Panthers, mama?”

“Dillon Panthers, baby. Dillon Panthers.”

Yeah, I seriously have a Friday Night Lights problem, and it’s not just about the hot Coach Taylor, either. I cried last night watching them win state in the first season finale. No, I’m not kidding.

Plus, it gives me satisfaction to choose a fictional high school football team over Todd’s Tigers. Always the rivalry exists.

Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, June 1st, 2008

Happy 40th to my favorite in-laws!

Are You Smarter Than a Toddler?

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

In case there is any question about who is smarter, me or Todd. . .

This morning, Todd got up and we dressed the children for church with their grandparents and Todd took one for the team by going with them. (We have decided, after multiple reports from Senor Tattletale about his grandparents not bothering to strap him completely into his carseat, that the grands will no longer be taking the kids in the car without one of us going along.)

I could have been stuck going with them, but I am smart, and I did not put one item of clothing in my suitcase that could possibly be viewed as remotely appropriate for even the most casual Alabama Baptist Church service. Todd? He is a dumbass and he brought khakis. He will fit right in with all the little Auburn Tiger college kids at church, with their flippy hair, and their flippy belts. Me? Hooded sweatshirt. Multiple faded tees. Ratty boots and rattier Chucks. One pair of jeans.

[Evil, evil bwahahahahaha-sounding laugh.]

I’ve spent the morning lingering over coffee, checking email, and listening to KEXP. Then I heated up leftovers (baby quiches! chicken wings! hashbrownmutherfuckincasserole!) and popped open a coke and watched The Big Lebowski. The only thing that would make this Sunday morning better is if my in-laws had a well-stocked liquor cabinet. Okay, I’d settle for a slightly-stocked liquor cabinet.

Todd’s a gamer, though, so I fully expect him to realize he has been outsmarted and come back in here with some kind of “but Baby, I took the kids to church, so when we get home, I’m going to the Flatiron” scam.

Doodlebug ain’t havin’ it.

Iron Bowl

Tuesday, November 27th, 2007

Todd and I took the kids over to his parents’ house on Lake Martin, where we did second Thanksgiving dinner (yes, we are complete Hobbits) on Friday with his brother Wade, brother Lyle, and Lyle’s wife Denise. Wade was on our shit list for not bringing my new niece, Luci, with him, but he made up for it by bringing her over on Sunday. I ate too much.

On Saturday, Todd and I had to get a new tire for the van, so we got up early to drive to the nearest Wal-Mart, which was in Alexander City (“Alex City” to easter Alabamians in the know). Dear God. Oh, the humanity of a small-town Alabama Wal-Mart on the day of the Iron Bowl! You couldn’t walk five feet without someone uttering a “Roll Tide” or “War Eagle” at someone else. People looked at me like I was a Martian, presumably because I was not wearing crimson, blue, or orange, and well. . . why is she not wearing one of those? I think it may have been inconceivable to them that there were other states outside of their own that day. On the day of the Iron Bowl, Auburn, Alabama is the center of the universe. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t actually care who won. I pull for Auburn when there is no harm in it, and I have definitely adopted my husband’s disdain for the Tide. Good God, there is nothing scarier than a female, middle-aged, bleached-blonde Alabama fan in person. Oh, yeah. And my trivia girls and I have a bit of wager with the Alabama graduate who runs our trivia at Graveyard Tavern. He will be footing the bill for our drinks this evening. I have no kids tomorrow. He should be frightened, very frightened.

After that, we had lunch with his parents and the kids, then headed into Auburn to pick up my friend Brett. Brett and I went to high school and college together and he is one of my oldest, dearest friends. I just don’t get to see him as often as I’d like, because he lives in Seattle. Brett has his own family ties to Auburn, so he was in town for the game, but is a Georgia fan, so we decided to meet up for tailgating and watching of the Tech game, and also Ky/Tn.

Despite the fact that Kentucky couldn’t pull off the win over Tennessee to send GA to the SEC Championship (which I guess actually gives us a higher bowl berth? Whatever. I am over trying to wrap my little brain around the BCS.), I had an awesome time watching with Brett, and with all of the Auburn and Alabama fans who may not have cared about the outcome of the game, but pulled for Kentucky with me, anyway. SEC fans are the best. They get it.

Afterwards, Brett headed to the game, and Todd and I went over to Iain’s in Opelika to watch the game. Mostly, i drank while they watched the game. We started tailgating around 2 pm and we stayed up til 2 a.m., when I stopped dancing and passed out on the foldout with my snoring Todd, and four dogs.

Sunday was hell. Okay, except for the part where I finally got to meet my first ever niece. She is adorable and cute and little and she doesn’t talk back or run into things and bust her head open. Oh, and my brother-in-law Wade makes a kick ass spaghetti with meatballs. Perfect cure for a hangover, and totally got me well enough to drive two chilluns back to Atlanta. That drive usually takes two hours, but because of Thanksgiving traffic, it took 3.5 hrs plus. I now know what my hell is: Driving in the dark fog and mist, for all eternity with two children screaming, crying, fighting, and singing, while the car lurches forward in 10 mph spurts and headlights blind me in rearview and my head throbs and my stomach churns and I am so desperate for sleep that I almost, almost pull over at Hogansville to get a motel room, just to put me out of my misery, but it would take me another 30 minutes just to get to the exit ramp, so I might as well push on.

UGA at #4. How the fuck did that happen?

More Iron Bowl pics.

Thank God for Football

Friday, November 23rd, 2007

Otherwise, I’d be really bored at my parents’ for Thanksgiving.

I am watching USC ream AZ State. It is kinda gettin’ me excited about a couple more days of football. I’m hoping that my clueless [about football] mother-in-law will schedule her Thanksgiving dinner for some time other than those where I would like to watch games. Like, say, a possibly upset of LSU by Arkansas. Yes, I’m a poor married soul who has to do two Thanksgivings. In two states. And one of them is Alabama.

Then on Saturday, I will be in a football frenzy of
a) Georgia hopefully not thinking Tech will be a cakewalk.
b) 2nd Favorite Team Kentucky hopefully putting a whomp on my Mama’s Vols. [Yes, nothing trashier than “your Mama’s a Vol!”]
c) Tailgating with husband for Iron Bowl. Should be an interesting Saturday. We actually won’t be going to the game itself, just watching outside with friends. Todd knows better than to take me, his Bulldog wife, to an Auburn game, though, as they are 0-3 with the Bulldog wife in attendance. And yes, two of those were between the hedges.

Pictures of Temporary Annulment Day

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

For my Auburn friends who want to relive the day as much as I do, my Georgia/Auburn set on Flickr.